Development guide

  • The aim of this guide is to give a quick understanding of the structure of the package. If you want to modify or add content to the package, this page should help you!

Package Structure

  • This package is made of three classes that interact with each other:

    • Graph: The Graph object reads the input graph and stores it in a data structure described below. The graph is simple, without loop, can be undirected or directed, and can be bipartite. This is the class to check to add new input format or to modify the data structure.

    • MarkovChain: The MarkovChain object selects the edges to swap, checks the constraints, performs the swap and measures some metrics on the graph (e.g., the assortativity value, the number of triangles). This is the class to check to add new constraints on the MarkovChain (e.g. fixed number of triangles) or to measure other values (number of a given motif).

    • Stat: The Stat object estimates the sampling gap of the Markov Chain, and check if the Markov Chain has converged. This is the class to check to adapt the sampling gap estimation, or to implement other methods to check for the Markov Chain convergence.

  • You will find below some insights on the implementations of each class.


  • The Graph object stores a simple graph. The data structure used for the graph is

    • for undirected, directed and bipartite graphs:

      • M and N: int

        Respectively store the number of edges and the number of nodes of the graph. Both remain constant during the swapping process.

      • neighbors: dict(list)

        Stores the adjacency list for each node of the graph. Given that the structure is a dictionary (hash map), getting the adjacency list of a node is in O(1), amortized time. neighbors is used to store the neighbors of each node, and is updated at each swap.

      • unique_edges: list

        Stores one copy of each edge of the graph. unique_edges is used to uniformly pick random edges of the graph, and is updated at each swap.

      • directed: bool

        Indicates if the graph is directed or not.

    • for undirected graphs:

      • edges: dict(int)

        For each edge (u,v), stores the position of v in the adjacency list of u. E.g.

        v_idx = edges[(u,v)]
        u_idx = edges[(v,u)]
        neighbors[u][v_idx] == v # True
        neighbors[v][u_idx] == u # True
    • for directed graphs:

      • in_neighbors and out_neighbors: dict(list)

        For each node u of the graph, respectively store the incoming neighbors and outgoing neighbors of u. This structure is used for example to check on mutual dyads and is updated at each swap.

      • edges: dict(tuple)

        For each edge (u,v), it stores the position of v in neighbors[u], in out_neighbors[u], and the position of u in neighbors[v] and in in_neighbors[v].


  • The main function of the MarkovChain object is the run method, that calls all the others depending on the input constraints. To add new constraints, update the check_swap method, that accepts or rejects a swap depending on the constraints.

    • pick_k : Chooses a k value following a power-law distribution with exponent gamma

    • find_swap : Uniformly chooses k edges to swap, and a random permutation.

    • check_swap :

      Checks that the chosen swap respects each constraint. The complexity depends on the constraints. For undirected graph, with fixed degree sequence constraint (the basic case), for each swap between (u,v) and (x,y):

      • Checks that it doesn’t create a loop (u != y) in O(1).

      • Checks that swapped edge doesn’t exist ((u,y) not in graph.edges) in O(1).

      • If k>2, check that several permutations don’t result in the same edge in O(k) (len(goal_edges) == len(set(goal_edges)), where goal_edges is the list of all the resulting edges if the swap is accepted).

    • perform_swap :

      Updates the Graph data structure depending on the swap. Each swap between two edges (u,v) and (x,y) is in amortized O(1) time (for undirected graphs - easily generalized to directed graphs):

      • Gets the position v_idx = edges[(u,v)] of v in neighbors[u] in amortized O(1) (edges is a hash map), and x_idx = edges[(y,x)].

      • Updates the value neighbors[u][v_idx] = y in amortized O(1).

      • Deletes edges[(u,v)] and edges[(v,u)] in amortized O(1).

      • Adds edges[(u,y)] = y and edges[(y,u)]=x_idx in amortized O(1).

  • Other methods are implemented to measure some metrics on the graph. Each metric has an “init” and an “update” function, the “init” function computes the value for the input graph, while the “update” methods updates it after each swap without having to compute it again for edges that haven’t changed.


  • The Stat class implements methods to estimate the sampling gap of the MarkovChain object and follows its convergence.

  • The sampling gap is the number of required steps of the stationary Markov Chain between two samples to ensure that both samples are uncorrelated.

  • Two methods are implemented to choose a sampling gap:

    • estimate_sampling_gap:

      • First runs a burn-in step to obtain a fully stationary Markov Chain.

      • Estimates the acceptation rate A of the Markov Chain during the burn-in.

      • Initializes the sample gap value at eta = M/A ** where **M is the number of edges in the graph and A the acceptation rate of the chain.

      • Starting from the same final step of the burn-in, runs 10 different chains for 500eta steps, measuring 1 assortativity (or number of triangles) each eta step.

      • If the autocorellation at lag 1 of each time series of assortativities (or number of triangles) returns that at least 9 out of the 10 chains are not correlated, the sampling gap is considered valid.

        • If the sampling gap eta is valid, tries eta=eta/2.

        • If not, tries eta=2eta.

        • Stops as soon as the behaviour changes and returns the last valid eta value.

    • run_dfgls:

      • If no eta value is given in input, estimates an eta value.

      • While the MarkovChain has not converged:

        • Runs the MarkovChain object for eta steps and collects the assortativity (or number of triangles) at each step.

        • After eta steps, checks if the time series of assortativity values (or number of triangles) has converged using a DFGLS test.


  • To contribute to the package, you can put issues on the gitlab repository to either report a problem or to ask a question.

  • Any pull request will be reviewed and integrated if the contribution is within the scope of the project.